PAT Vaidya Vyaspeeth

Pat Pharma

Welcome to PAT Vaidya Vyaspeeth

The Pat Vaidya Vyaaspeeth is a Platform developed & launched to establish A unique Bond of the company with Ayurvedic Vaidyas & Allopathic Doctors. This Pat Vaidya Vyaaspeeth intends to communicate the Company’s various aspects with the Ayurvedic Vaidyas & Allopathic Doctors too. As well as, it also intends to know the latest expectations & trends that are in existence or will be developed within the Ayurvedic Vaidyas & Allopathic Doctors.
Since Pat Vaidya Vyaaspeeth is a straight dialogue platform,
It should be conducted at various places of the market,
It should be conducted covering various strata of the Ayurvedic Vaidyas & Allopathic Doctors.
It should be conducted on the topics which are of concern of the common man & to the wellness & goodness of the society.

The Pattern of Communications: -

Pat Vaidya Vyaaspeeth should be developed in all the types of media.

  1. Audio visual on Various Channels of Television & electronic – Social Media.
  2. Print form in Various Medical Magazines & Periodicals.
  3. Print in Various News Papers
  4. Seminars & Meetings with Ayurvedic Vaidyas & Allopathic Doctors.

The Points of Priorities: -

Pat Vaidya Vyaaspeeth is a platform that will develop the Good Old Bond of “Family Doctor” with the common man & society with respect to

  1. Current Streams of diseases under discussion
  2. Ayurvedic & Scientific knowledge of Pat Product
  3. Preventive measures (Pathya Kalpana) those must be followed to achieve faster & stable results & save money of the Patient.
  4. Pat Vaidya Vyaaspeeth will be a Vaidya & Doctor Inclusive Programme & hence The top priority should be given to Vaidya & Doctor’s Concern with respect to Patient’s Health,Time & Money.
  5. The language & the level of the Programme should be such that Vaidya & Doctors will be attracted & bonded with the topic.

Our Some Videos: -

About Us

Pat Pharmaceuticals, a proprietary concern, was started on 16th February 1979. Initially, it continued to work with Government Business & developed & marketed 10 Patent Proprietary Medicines

Contact Us

Yashomangal Society
Ground floor Patwardhan Rd, Panvel - 410206